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墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) 第25节

  “不是,跟‘dark net’的n0.2一起做的。”
  the title of the morning paper is: the no. 1 boxing aristocratic family in the rich list of country d was attacked by hackers last night. today, we will try our best to find all major hackers. if we help our family, we will be rewarded.
  the following content directly made james yah vomit blood: as the company was attacked by hackers at 1 a.m. last night, many core materials and a large amount of money of the company were transferred. at present, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. we are looking for powerful hackers here, hoping to help the company recover this account and core materials. if we can recover them, we will offer a reward of 10billion. this news is absolutely true and effective, welcome to our company's telephone number: 0878-*********, contact person: james yah, the leader of the boxing king family.
  john said, owner, it's bad. many shareholders are shouting for me to give an explanation. what should i do now?
  james - ya said: who leaked the news? get his (her) family and him (her) back to me. i want him (her) to taste the taste of betraying me.
  john said, it's not the news leaked by our people. we haven't found out who it is. now all shareholders are looking for you to tell us!
  james yah said, when there is no problem in the company, we should fight like this. when there is a problem, we should come to me and tell them to find a way to solve the crisis. naturally, i will give them an explanation.after a short pause, he continued: go and find out who dares to fight against our family. i want him (her) to eat nothing.
  john replied, ok, master, i will find out who did it as soon as possible.
  james ya seemed to think of something and continued: focus on checking jiang 11 of the jiang group in country a. some time ago, my men just attacked her. now i am attacked. there is no need to have her behind me. don't show any tricks when checking. if it is really her, i will definitely let her realize my power again.
  john replied with a dignified face again: master, don't worry. i've been checking for you to find out the truth, so that the little bitch has nowhere to escape.
  james ya replied, go ahead. i can rest assured that if you can't do something, you can call back the jianhai brothers and sisters in country a and send someone else.
  john said, yes, master.
  第47章 算计13
  james yah said, have you been exposed in state a? is there anyone checking you?
  jian hai said, except for the first time i had a positive conversation with jiang 11 of the jiang group, i have never seen jiang 11 again.i haven't noticed that anyone has followed me or investigated me, and no bad news has come from my subordinates. master, did you find anything?
  james yah said, it's good if you don't have it. keep a low profile. for the time being, don't provoke jiang yiyi. that woman is very smart. she will find every trace. you should pay attention! if necessary, you can take advantage of the chinese named he zixuan. that chinese has a grudge against jiang yiyi. it's a good plan to use a knife to kill people.
  jian hai replied respectfully, ok, master, i understand. i will make good use of it. don't worry! since you put me in a foreign country, you also trust me. i will live up to your trust.
  james - ya said: very good. having such a sense means that i didn't choose the wrong person. well, i'm busy here. hang up. call me if you have something to do.
  hello, is this mr. smith? james yar asked quickly.
  yes, who do you want to talk to? any questions?master smith replied.
  hello, mr. smith, i'm james yah, the leader of the boxing king family. well, i've received the news that you have also been attacked by hackers. i wonder if you can find out who the hacker is here, and can you think of a way to deal with it. would you mind coming to our family to discuss relevant matters? james ya asked cautiously.
  we haven't found any information about this hacker, so we can't help you. for this reason, we feel very sorry. we have no ability to protect our property in country d, which can only be attributed to our inability. we admit our failure and don't plan to continue the investigation. if master james has nothing else to do, i'll hang up. when he finished speaking, smith hung up the phone and gave james yah no chance to speak.
  hello, is this mr. davis? james volunteered.
  this is davis. who are you, please? davis replied.
  hello, mr. davis, i'm james yah, a boxing champion family. i got news here that your company has also been attacked by hackers. i don't know if you have found any information about this hacker. asked james.
  hello, miss james. i'm very sorry. i haven't found any information about this hacker. i have something else to do. hang up first. with that, davis hung up
  詹姆斯直接被气的口中直冒出脏话:fuck you,dear god, are you going to destroy my family?。
  约翰也收到了来自詹姆斯-亚的邮件嘱咐他:john, this hacker should not be underestimated and should be handled with special care. you should first let people test it. if it is true, you can email me and say that i am ready for the next step
  约翰立即便知道怎么做了,吩咐拳王世家的人直接赶往那个已经定位好的地点,让约翰比较诧异的是,那个地点居然是在本国,当约翰找到时,具体地点是座破庙,什么都没有,有几个小乞丐在里面睡觉,听见有人来也急忙跑了,约翰摸了摸刚才小孩睡过的地方,还是暖和的,便下令让属下收,没想到那几个小孩溜得贼快,在他们刚踏进破庙的瞬间便跑的屁股溜烟,别说人了,鬼都没看见,约翰立马反应过来被耍了,恼怒的说道:shit, don't let me find you. i have to scratch your skin and stretch your muscles when i find you!
  詹姆斯-亚说道:hello, i'm james yah. are you president chen? i'm glad to meet you. how are you?
  姜斯辰嘴像是抹了蜜一般的说道:hello, i'm chensi. it's nice to meet you. i've heard about james yah, the leader of the boxing family. today, i learned that he was really extraordinary. he's so beautiful that i can't keep my eyes open.
  詹姆斯-亚看见眼前这么帅的男子夸自己,瞬间小脸通红,也不知道是哪根筋没有搭对,居然对着刚认识的姜斯辰,羞涩的说道:i wonder if you have a girlfriend now, president chen. i am honored to meet you. i want you to be my boyfriend. do you think i can?
  辰斯说:i'm here to talk about cooperation, not love. i'm glad you will choose me, but let's talk about cooperation!
